International Exchange of Experience on Insolvency Law (IEEI)
Global Network of Insolvency Law Experts
In the year 2000 the Ministry of Justice of the German land North Rhine-Westphalia has founded the "International Exchange of Experience on Insolvency Law" (IEEI). The purpose of the network is the efficient and reliable exchange of information and experience in the area of insolvency law on the basis of mutual trust. The members of the IEEI communicate via e-mail. Moreover the IEEI holds annual colloquia on insolvency law related topics. Meanwhile 105 insolvency law experts from 34 countries and international organisations participate in the network. In the years 2000 - 2024 three colloquia have been held at the Academy of Justice of North Rhine-Westphalia, two in Prague and one respectively in Vienna, Helsinki, Ljubljana, Rome, Berlin, Cairo, Dubrovnik, Budapest, Brussels, Paris, Barcelona, Lisbon, Chicago, Cologne, Milan and London. The last colloquium was held in Prague/Czech Republic, in May 2024.
The next colloquium will be held in Tblissi/Georgia, in spring 2025.