Development of the IEEI

The number of the countries participating in the IEEI constantly grew in the past eight years. At present 105 insolvency experts from 34 countries from all over the world work in the network. They are judges of all instances, attorneys, university professors, officials of ministries and representatives of international institutions like the World Bank and INSOL INTERNATIONAL. We have held 23 colloquia so far. The first three colloquia were organized by North Rhine-Westphalia at its Academy of Justice. The following colloquia were held at Vienna, Helsinki, Ljubljana, Rome, Berlin, Cairo, Dubrovnik, Prague, Budapest, Brussels, Paris, Barcelona, Lisbon, Chicago, Tallinn, Athens, Cologne, Miilan, London and most recently in Prague again. The next colloquium will be held in spring 2025 in Tblissi.
During the first colloquium in January 2001 the participants reported on their national insolvency law systems in short and problem-oriented speeches.
Immediately after these initial reports the meeting developed a not foreseen, but most welcome momentum, which since then shapes the character of the colloquia:
By the initial speeches problem-zones were opened, which were recognized by the other participants as relevant for their own national laws. Here for the first time in the IEEI the fascinating nature of comparative law appeared, which is characterized by the fact that despite different law systems the practical questions are identical or at least similar. After the first reports the participants of the first colloquium - under post-ponement of the original agenda - fell into intensive discussions over those just "discovered" common legal problems.
Short introductory reports with following problem oriented discussions among the IEEI members are characteristic for the rhythm of the colloquia since the first meeting. Current international and national law developments and problems were discussed as well.
Since 2012 IEEI belongs to the Department of International and European Insolvency Law at the University of Cologne.